Appety Menu Web
- Web based menu and ordering system
- Scan the QR to browse the menu and let the customer to self order
- Shopping cart for order
- Bill with served-items tracking
- Can be used with or without Appety POS
Appety Waiter
- Let the waiter provide their best service to customers with Appety Waiter
- Better order handling and tracking
- Track new incoming order
- Track which items have been served
Appety POS
- Powerful and slick Point of Sale system, with focus on good UI/UX
- Work in offline and online mode. Suitable for area with poor internet connection
- Our team helped to design the UI/UX and architect the whole system
Appety Admin
- Admin based for managing POS, menu, restaurant and order
- Intuitive UI for managing hundreds of menus
- Analytics
- Based on Nextjs, Material UI and graphql